Organization Structure
Sioux Rivers Governing Board
The Sioux Rivers Regional MHDS organizational structure assigns the responsibility for funding non-Medicaid funded MHDS services, and the entire mental health delivery system to the governing board. Each member county shall appoint two of its Supervisors to serve as a Director on the Governing Board. Additionally, other members (Non-Voting) who complete the governance board membership are an individual who utilizes mental health services or is an actively involved family member and an individual representing service providers in the Counties that comprise the Sioux Rivers Region.
About the Board
Non-Voting Members
MHDS Advisory Board
Sioux Rivers encourages stakeholder involvement by having a regional advisory board assist in developing and monitoring the plan, goals and objectives identified for the service system as well as serve as a public forum for other related MH/DS issues. The Advisory Committee has nine members that include individuals who utilize services; service providers; a County Service Coordinator and a County Supervisor representing the Governing Board.
Sioux Rivers Regional Advisory Board
Dr. Shawn Scholten
Provider Representative-Creative Living Center, Chair
Lisa Rockhill
Regional Staff-Lyon County, Secretary
Carl Vande Weerd
Sioux County Supervisor
Janice Hill
Provider Representative-Life Skills Training Center-Plymouth Co.
Greg Baloun
Law Enforcement, Dickinson Co. Sheriff
Tammy Bruinsma
Community Representative-Sioux County
Robin Falde
Community Representative
Cheryl Van Beek
Faith Community Representative-Lyon County
Barry Whitsell
Provider Representative-Village Northwest-O;Brien Co.
Linda Schofield
Provider Representative-Lakes Life Skills-Dickinson Co.
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