Designated Mental Health Centers for the Region
​Plains Area Mental Health Center
180 10th Street, Suite 201
P.O. Box 70
Lemars, Iowa 51031
(712) 546-4624
Creative Living Center | Sioux County Contact
1905 10th Street, Suite 201
P.O. Box 163
Rock Valley, Iowa 51427
(712) 476-5245
​Creative Living Center | Lyon County Contact
315 First Ave., Suite 206
Rock Rapids, Iowa 51246
(712) 476-5245
Seasons Center For Behavioral Health
201 E 11th Street
Spencer, Iowa 51301
(800) 242-5101 | fax (712) 262-3826
Crisis Line (844) 345-4569
Hearing & Speech Impaired 711
H&S Impaired - Spanish (800) 264-7190
Outpatient Mental Health Services
Individuals wanting to access outpatient mental health services within the Sioux Rivers Region may apply directly to a designated mental health center within the county where they reside.
Every applicant needs to complete a Sioux Rivers MHDS regional application. The mental health centers in each County can assist individuals in completing applications for mental health services funding.
All applications for mental health services funding will be processed by the County MHDS office in which the applicant has applied.