Children's Advisory Committee
Children’s Advisory Committee
Brenda Langstraat Janisch | School/Family/Community Mental Health Liaison Behavioral Health Team Individual Coach
1382 4th Ave., NE, Sioux Center, IA 51250
800.352.9040 (in Iowa) | 712.222.6000 | Fax: 712.722.1643
Megan Meis | MD Orange City Hospital Pediatrician
1000 Lincoln Circle SE, Suite 100, Orange City, IA 51041
Parent of a Child who currently uses services or actively involved in a relative’s life
Marilyn Lambert | Dickinson County Parent
1544 125th Street Lake Park, Ia 51347
Mailing Address: PO Box 84 Spirit Lake, Iowa 51360
Brittney Funston | Emmet County Parent
An Early Childhood Advocate | Plymouth, Sioux, Lyon and O’Brien Counties Rep.
Beth Schubert | Mid Sioux Agency, Head Start Out Reach Worker
Mid-Sioux 302 S. Lincoln Street Rock Rapids Iowa 51246
(712) 472-2153 | (712)-470-4781
Children's Behavioral Health Services Provider
Denise Driesen | Family Solutions they provide BHIS Services in Plymouth, Sioux, Lyon and O’Brien and Woodbury | Co-Director of Family Solutions, Inc. | Provides Behavior Health Intervention Services
Hwy 75 Orange City, Iowa 51041
Member of Juvenile Court services
Shawn Olsen | Juvenile Court Officer from Dickinson County
609 1st Ave North Estherville, Iowa 51334 712-362-5729
A Child Care Provider
Kim Schroeder | Registered Nurse
Child Care Consultant | Iowa Child Care Resource & Referral
Mid-Sioux Opportunity, Inc. | Plymouth, Sioux, Lyon, Plymouth, O’Brien
(712) 539-9582 | fax (712) 786-3250
Law Enforcement Representative
Lt. Rick Singer | Plymouth County Sheriff’s Department
Has a daughter who lives in the Community with Disabilities
451 14th Ave NE Le Mars, Iowa 51031
Regional Governing Board Member
Don Kass | Board Chair - Plymouth County
48138 190th St. Remsen, IA 51050
Child Welfare Advocate
Kashia Netten | DHS Supervisor | Lyon, Sioux, Plymouth, O’Brien
215 Central Ave SE, Central Ave Orange City, Iowa 51041
Adult & Children's Advisory Committee
Cheryl Van Beek | Church Youth Director | Lyon County
Trudy Ahrens | Parent & Community Representative | Emmet County